Hey Little JellyFish ∞

One little something at a time.

Of Jellyfishes and Balloons

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Isn’t it ironic that my blog URL is named after an aquatic creature, yet the blog theme I am using is inspired by those inflatable bags filled with gas?

Yes, I think have to change my blog theme. I’m busy right now, though. /bricked


Okay, screw the last sentence. I changed my theme right away; I didn’t think too much (a rare feat, since I always over-think on most things) and chose the first one that I have clicked. There! This one is inspired by the sea!

And it’s pretty informal again.

Author: Chibivy

A work-in-progress stargirl who loves adventures, arts, books, night sky, and rainbows. A geeky mermaid from the stars. Contact me: ivybernadette@live.com

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